Release History
First release; 22.10.2012.
latest release; 07.04.2024.
Application Version
New Features or Bugfix
Removed Features
(Released 03.12.2024)
# Equip 2.0
* Bug fixes related to reports, inspection, closing finding.
(Released 26.11.2024)
# Equip 2.0
* Bug fixes related to reports (signature in RTE, duplicate items, etc.)
(Released 19.11.2024)
# Equip
* Bug fix (RTE - item status)
(Released 08.11.2024)
* Bug fix (RTE and Lease report)
# Equip
* Bug fix (RTE - Date of last thorough examination)
(Released 06.11.2024)
* Bug fix (document type dropdown empty)
(Released 01.11.2024)
# SW
# EventsAdmin
# EventsAPI
# EventsFacade
* The latest code for NAP
(Released 16.10.2024)
* Footer not showing in inspection bug fixed
(Released 10.09.2024)
# Projects
* Added feature for creating shareable anonymous link
* Added feature for moving file or folder to different folder
(Released 28.08.2024)
# Equip
* Changed the way Report of Thorough Examination chooses inspector username. Now also users resolving findings are taken into consideration.
(Released 26.08.2024)
* Fixed report item description table. Preventing page break within row.
(Released 17.07.2024)
# Equip
* Changed default of Arrangements filter for Register list report to not filter by arrangements.
(Released 12.07.2024)
# Equip
* Added item type 'Ladsaf' and 'Ladsaf Cable Sleeve' under group 'Personel safety equipment\Fall arrestequipment'.
(Released 04.07.2024)
* Added link to user feedback form in the user menu
* Added link to user feedback form in the user menu
# Bridge Portal
* Added link to user feedback form in footer
# Equip
* Added filter for Arrangement in Register List report
* Fixed issue with logging out of the application
(Released 22.03.2024)
* Fixed bug when editing or adding testpoint
(Released 13.12.2023)
# Equip
* Fixed bug for ROTE CarriedOutStatus calculated wrong.
(Released 27.11.2023)
* Support for v7 (numeric identifiers) events
* Fixed bugs: Non-image files above 512kb changed extension to .jpg
* Option to change image resolution in reports
* Support for v7 (numeric identifiers) events
* Fixed bugs: Calculation of inspection progress (Job not possible to complete), Photo editor cropping annotated images, Deleted checkpoints showing in inspection
* Added support for checklists with multiple item types and methods.
# Service Worker
* Support for v7 (numeric identifiers) events
# EventsAPI
* Event data has been migrated from version 6 to 7. This was the first migration to use Replicator tool running as an AppService. Using Replicator enabled us to do live ESDB migration which reduced actual downtime to ~40 minutes. Migration now can be done days ahead, so downtime is only used to swap live ESDB with migrated one. From this migration, on-the-fly migration has been moved to Replicator. Also in this migration all events were migrated to use numeric identifiers for company, installation and app ids.
# Server-Side-Events-Processor
* Latest logic from Service Worker has been imported so that it properly processes Event data version 7. As part of new migration logic, additional server side events processor has been introduced. This events processor works on secondary replicated ESDB. During downtime MongoDBs are swapped.
# Integration Platform (IPA)
* Updated to support version 7 of the Aggregate data.
(Released 20.10.2023)
# Equip
* Fixed bug preventing Equip to be loaded when off line.
(Released 13.10.2023)
# Equip
* Added Axess Middle East to departments dropdown.
(Released 31.08.2023)
* Prevent Method "LEC" from showing as an option in NDT.
(Released 25.08.2023)
# Equip
* Removed inactive surveys from survey dropdown list.
(Released 16.08.2023)
Additional applications received updates for supporting abstract numeric identifiers and our future URL format. This includes Equip, MHP, Projects and Analytics.
(Released 07.08.2023)
Introduced a new foundation for migrating and replicating Event Sourcing data. This includes the new Event Replicator service and Event Store database v.22 which supports gRPC in addition to the traditional HTTP API.
Also we silently released support for abstract numeric identifiers for companies, installations and applications as well as supporting this in our URLs (i.e. "thecompany/therig/ndt" and "121/123/3" are equivalent).
Services updated include: BridgeAdminAPI, Portal, EventsAPI, EventsFacade, eDROPS, NDT, EVA, Service Worker and IPA.
(Released 10.07.2023)
# Equip
* Fixed bug where "Authenticating person" was missing in report Regsiter list.
(Released 27.06.2023)
* Added option to select image resolution inside NDT reports ("Only low resolution", "High resolution on defects", "Only high resolution").
(Released 13.06.2023)
# Equip
* Fixed bug where text field was hidden behind another component in findings dialog.
* Made columnt Tag available in Equipment History view.
(Released 08.06.2023)
# Service Worker
# EventsAPI
* Added possibility to delete findings in eDROPS, Users with permissions Global Administrator, Administrator, Write Inspector and Write Inspection Company will be allowed to do this.
(Released 12.05.2023)
# EventsAdmin
# Service Worker
# EventsAPI
* Fix for slow boot up time of inspection apps for GA and ARI users due to loading all companies/installations they have permission to access
(Released 09.05.2023)
# Bridge Admin
* Added overview number of company users per application on system, company and installation level.
* Added overview of ADB2C audit logs on system and user level
(Released 08.05.2023)
# Equip
* Fixed bug where ARI user could not access application on installation of mother company.
# Portal
* Fixed bug in search (navigating to company in search did not work correctly).
(Released 04.05.2023)
* Fixed error when deleting job.
* Hot-fix for the syncing event issues (related to permissions).
(Released 27.04.2023)
# Service Worker
* Fixed an issue where blob syncing could fail if there were only a single digit amount of blobs to be downloaded.
(Released 13.04.2023)
# Equip
* Fixed bug where client name and address were not showing in RTE report.
* Fix for "Client" field empty in NDT report.
* Fix for application dropdown list in left navbar duplicated EVA.
* Fix for job tiles not showing on the dashboard
# EventsFacade
* Fix for GA and ARI users to return list of all available companies.
# bridge-auth 0.4.0
* Simplified bridge-auth package, enabled silent token renewal after refresh token expires.
(Released 31.03.2023)
# Ai Inspection
* The initial version of Ai inspection has now launched in Production.
* Fix for toolkits and calibrations automatically changing just by opening a previous examination.
* Fix for NDT report no being able to preview or download.
* Styling fix for NDT report for Reference Objects columns.
* Fix for amount of Findings displayed when generating report for "Passed" items summary.
(Released 29.03.2023)
# Equip rel. 29
* Fix for All Relations Inspector users not being able to open Equip in mother company
(Released 22.03.2023)
# EventsAPI
* Added Calibration Migrators version 5 to 6. Needed for maintenance job performed during release deployment.
(Released 17.03.2023)
# Equip 17.03.2023
* Fixed bug causing Equip to not load properly in off-line mode
* Fixed bug: After editing or adding equipment, edit/add window is not closing, and table is not reloaded
(Released 16.03.2023)
# Service Worker
* The BlobSyncer (image and file data syncing) has been significantly improved in terms of both speed and reliability.
* Communication intercepted from other applications (that's not the responsibility of the Service Worker) will now be forwarded to the server without any manipulation. This fixes a recent issue with the Projects module not working properly when the user was also using eDROPS or NDT for the same installation.
* Just a place-holder cache since the Service Worker will be looking for it during initialization. Currently contains a copy of the EventsAdmin (EVA) files.
(Released 23.02.2023)
* It's now possible to Resolve examinations (Observations) within NDT. This aligns it with how findings are done in eDROPS and Equip. This also indirectly reduces the amount of data that needs to be downloaded as 'blobs' (images and files) will not be downloaded for resolved examinations.
* New "Inspected" status has been added for examinations. This status has no 'effect' on the overall status of the Item or Testpoint.
* If an examination with status "Pass" is added, previous examinations for that Item or Testpoint will be resolved, assuming they share the same Method.
* Resolved examinations will still show in the reports but will now be clearly marked as having been resolved.
* Toolkits data has now been re-located to be contained within the Company they are created. You can re-use them across Installations within that Company but if another Company is to be inspected, any Toolkit will have to re-created. This was done to lessen the amount of data every user has to download.
* Preparation for NAP: Observations (findings) and Checklists created in eDROPS now refers to Method "Drops". This is invisible to the users.
# Service Worker
* Company-level data is now fully supported by the Service Worker, starting with Toolkit data (which was previously Global-level).
* Event data has been migrated from version 5 to 6. The Service Worker will clear the IndexedDB browser database and download a new Snapshot (collection of pre-processed Aggregate data) once updated.
# EventsAPI
* Company-level data is now fully supported by the EventsAPI.
* Event data has been migrated from version 5 to 6 and the EventsAPI is maintaining all the migrator classes that will migrate-on-the-fly any incoming data from older clients.
# Server-Side-Events-Processor
* Latest logic from Service Worker has been imported so that it properly processes Event data version 6.
# Integration Platform (IPA)
* Updated to support version 6 of the Aggregate data.
(Released 22.02.2023)
# NewBridgeAdmin API rel. 5
# NewBridgeAdmin Web rel. 7
* Enabling Equip inserts row in ax_rig table of company db
* Installation status can be toggled
* Relations are enabled between all company types
(Released 21.02.2023)
# Equip rel. 27
* New user role All Relations Inspector
(Released 20.02.2023)
# Service Worker
# EventsAdmin
# EventsFacade
# EventsApi
# Portal rel.17
# Projects rel.31
# MHP rel.4
# BridgeAdmin API
# BridgeAdmin WEB
* New user role All Relations Inspector
* New Notifcations feature
(Released 06.02.2023)
* Small text advice on the Report page about Pictures-and-Documents sync improving report generation speed.
* "Drops" Method will be hidden as a choice (preparation for NAP, every app will refer to one or multiple Methods, eDROPS will refer to "Drops").
(Released 03.02.2023)
# Service Worker
* The BlobSyncer has now been improved. It will only download blobs for the app that's open in the browser and it will ignore blobs/images for Observations (aka findings, examinations) that are already resolved.
* Fixed an issue where uploading blobs from eDROPS would not work if the NDT application wasn't activated for the installation.
# EventsAPI
* Made the "DownloadBlob" API function more responsive (should improve the BlobSyncer download speed by around ~6x).
(Released 02.02.2023)
# Projects
* Added missing bearer token to some requests
* Add all explicit permissions to GlobalAdmin users
(Released 26.01.2023)
# Bridge Admin API
* Fixed issue of slow loading permissions for users with large number of installations. In extreme cases loading was around 30s, now dropped to max 3s
(Released 21.01.2023)
# Axess Bridge
* The "New Bridge Admin" application is now live. Azure AD B2C is the new technology foundation for user account handling.
* Every application and service that Axess Bridge consists of was updated to take use of the new user account data foundation.
* The Orchard CMS database has been retired after a decade in use. Orchard CMS was itself discontinued January 2021.
(Released 28.11.2022)
* Report generation option only for findings that require rope access
(Released 24.11.2022)
# EventsFacade
# EventsAPI
# Service Worker
* Editing a job will no longer cause it to disappear from the application on the day of modification
(Released 21.11.2022)
* Fix report for "Compact" mode - now it's display if content is more than one page
(Released 18.11.2022)
* Fix report for Detailed mode - now it's display if content is more than one page
(Released 07.11.2022)
# Equip 07.11.2022
* Fixed bugs releated to transfer equipment
- Certificates were not transfered
- Not all equipments were visible in equipments list
(Released 01.11.2022)
* Validate PM number when editing job (details)
* If old finding don't have the required description field it will not display all filed fields
* Server should automatically create a new job (if the original job is finished) - not the client
* Add the possibility to search Job by PM number and Workorder
(Released 26.10.2022)
* Wrong status of Job on Dashboard tile
* Add "Safety securing" to eDROPS
* Server should automatically create new job (if original job is finished) - not the client
# EventsFacade
* Server should automatically create new job (if original job is finished) - not the client
# EventsAPI
* Server should automatically create new job (if original job is finished) - not the client
# Service Worker
* Server should automatically create new job (if original job is finished) - not the client
(Released 12.10.2022)
# Equip 12.10.2022
* Fixed bug releated to clearing filters on Equipments page.
(Released 26.09.2022)
* Make "Description" field required during finding registration
# Analytics 20220923-1209
* Extension of the list of available companies in administrative mode
* Limiting the number of installations to those with the eDrops module active
* Adding a context menu for the user's icon
(Released 20.09.2022)
# Portal
* Fix "FreshService Help Widget search function for help files does not work anymore" (details)
* Clean design for Help Widget
(Released 24.08.2022)
* New feature Unavailable areas (details)
* Clean and upgrade reports selection page
* Count field for number in findings modal
* Deactivate job feature
* Timelock on jobs after finish
* Improve structure of pictures and area pictures in report
* Fix heatmap pointer positions
* Option to generate general notes for jobs
# Service Worker
* New feature Unavailable areas (details)
# EventsAPI
* Bug fixes related to checklists.
(Released 10.08.2022)
# Equip 10.08.2022
* Fixed bug: small hitbox on some drop downs.
(Released 09.08.2022)
# Equip 09.08.2022
* New feature: Transfer equipment (details here)
* Fixed some UI-related bugs.
(Released 29.07.2022)
* Fix for the chosen method being erroneously changed when editing an examination (observation).
* Fix for examination failing to save under certain conditions.
(Released 25.07.2022)
* Fix blank page when entering to finding edit mode (ticket 2854)
(Released 01.07.2022)
# Service Worker
* Fix for automatic compression of uploaded images as they will be stored with a max size of 512KB.
* Some images have been uploaded with larger sizes since January 2022. This might affect the sizes of generated PDF reports. However, we have compressed these images on the server database. If you believe the report is unusually large, it might be worth deleting your local data and re-sync everything from the start (which will include the smaller compressed versions of the images) before attempting to re-generate any PDF reports.
(Released 23.06.2022)
* The NDT report will now use the higher quality version of the images with drawn annotations.
(Released 21.06.2022)
# Equip v20220621
* Updated UI of the main tabs: Home, Equipment, Survey, Certificates, Documents and Reports.
* Fixed bug: Misleading error message if the user didn't have permission for different save/edit actions.
(Released 14.06.2022)
# Service Worker
* Fixed an issue where old and flawed Attachment/Blob data could cause the Snapshot logic to fail.
* Added a fallback in the Service Worker where in case the Snapshot logic fails, it will proceed to sync all events from scratch (how we did it previously before introducing the Snapshot functionality).
(Released 09.06.2022)
# Service Worker
* Improved initialization and app-update logic, making it faster and fixing an issue where some users potentially had to refresh their browser to get past the boot screen.
(Released 30.05.2022)
# Service Worker
* New Snapshot data syncing mechanism enables significantly faster install times for eDROPS, NDT & EVA on first-time visits to a particular installation.
* General stability and bugfixes.
* FreshService (Bridge) supports integration within the Navbar menu.
* New function for adding Notes that will display for finished jobs.
* Adjustment to eDROPS report.
* Various bugfixes.
* FreshService (Bridge) support integration within the Navbar menu.
* Various bugfixes including missing Calibration data in NDT report.
# EVA (previously 'EventsAdmin')
* FreshService (Bridge) support integration within the Navbar menu.
# EventsAPI
* Various backend services has been upgraded to accommodate the new Snapshot data syncing mechanism (see 'Service Worker' above).
(Released 14.05.2022)
# Bridge.Login
* Removal of Google Analytics.
* Update of link to "Terms of use" and "Privacy Policy".
* Enabling Mailgun as mailing service.
* Switching from to
(Released 29.04.2022)
* AIM assets mapping.
* Change default job frequency.
* Pagination on findings page.
(Released 09.03.2022)
* Changing directions at area creator fix.
(Released 02.03.2022)
* Various bugfixes.
(Released 23.02.2022)
* Checklists for specific items at one rig.
(Released 14.02.2022)
* General stability and fixes.
(Released 11.02.2022)
* Various bugfixes.
* Added CWO field.
* Adjustment to eDROPS report.
(Released 08.02.2022)
# Projects
* Aligned max size for uploaded file in backend to what is set in frontend (bugfix).
* Various search engine enhancements (e.g. searching by files enabled, added sorting for searching in files/folders only).
(Released 31.01.2022)
* Improved area picture quality.
* Updated method of calculating inspection progress.
(Released 31.01.2022)
* General stability and bugfixes.
(Released 13.01.2022)
# Equip v20220113
* Fixed link to Equip manual
* Added logging of errors back end. Errors sent to client will now contain an ErrorId that can be used to correlate it with log message on back end.
(Released 11.01.2022)
* Updated how 'blank' photos are (not) shown in the report.
* Adjustment to eDROPS report
* Various bugfixes.
(Released 22.12.2021)
# Equip v20211222
* Bugfix for synchronizing large files back to server.
(Released 20.12.2021)
# Equip v20211220
* Bugfix for localmode when using Edge browser.
(Released 29.10.2021)
# Equip v20211029
* Bugfix for survey interval on Personnel lift cranes with NORSOK
(Released 10.10.2021)
# EventsAPI
* Migration logic (migrators) for going from version 4 to version 5 of our Event Store (event sourcing) data.
# Service Worker
* Logic updated to handle version 5 of our Event Store (event sourcing) data. The Service Worker will dump all old data (except 'blobs', images & general heavy attachment files) and it will re-sync all event data (now migrated to version 5) from scratch.
* 'Delete local data' functionality now also unregisters the Service Worker and deletes the Cache (in addition to deleting the IndexedDB database) specific to the installation.
* New Navigation Bar similar in style to NDT, EventsAdmin & Portal.
* PM View is now available in addition to Area View within a single job on a tablet, without the job being marked as finished.
* Users are now prevented from changing a recurring job to become an 'ad hoc' type job.
* Search function for Findings now also searches the freetext input fields.
* There's no longer a risk of blocking another user from pushing their data if two or more are working offline towards the same job. If the first user finishes the job, the second user will still have their changes applied before 'lock' takes effect. If any questions then simply refer to the Audit log functionality for detailed insight.
# Bridge.Login
* 'Terms of Use' and 'Privacy Policy' now leads to relevant FreshDesk pages.
* The latest version of the codebase to go alongside migration release.
# EventsFacade
* The latest version of the codebase to go alongside migration release.
(Released 20.08.2021)
# Equip v20210820
* Bugfix for Report of thorough examination on arrangements.
* Removed Admin tab.
* Reduced batching sync limit from 30 to 20 MB.
(Released 02.07.2021)
# Service Worker
* Hotfix of the problem with the initialization of the modules.
(Released 26.05.2021)
* There is added possibility to add an ad-hoc finding from the desktop dashboard.
* Improved tablet and desktop finding list functionality.
* Extended "Export to Excel" to store calculated status data.
* Extended a finding form to allow users to mark finding as immediate danger.
* In addition to this there have been done a series of bug fixes and smaller UX improvements.
(Released 21.05.2021)
* It is now possible to change the itemtype of an already existing item.
* The Audit log button/function is now available to more user roles.
* The Diagnostics page now has a new 'Delete local data' (indexedDB) button.
# Service Worker 20210324.7
* Additional data is now being provided for the Diagnostics page.
* General stability and bugfixes.
# EventsAPI
* The backend service now accepts the new event type 'changedItemType'.
(Released 13.05.2021)
# Bridge Login / Identity Provider
* Fix console errors: removed Google Analytics, removed reference to a remote freegeoip service
(Released 23.04.2021)
# Equip v20210423
* New fields for survey: Work Order and Client Address.
* New field for equipment: Manufactured Date.
* Select/Deselect all functionality for controls in reports module.
* Change in adding findings workflow. It is not possible to add new defect findings over old findings which are not renewed or closed.
(Released 14.04.2021)
# Service Worker
* Hot fix for Cache Storage management.
* The overlay editor tool is back online.
* Fix for missing report data in the header.
(Released 13.04.2021)
# eDrops
* Risk calculator when creating findings. Now the findings can be given a risk level by using a DROPS calculator.
* Previously a finding was given a “status”, now we call it risk level, and there are some slight changes to the finding icons.
* There are some changes in the filters in the findings page and in the report page. You can now select on status, risk level, likelihood, and energy in addition to the previous filters.
* There have been added more department options to select.
* In addition to this there have been done a series of bug fixes and smaller UX improvements.
(Released 12.04.2021)
# Service Worker
* Fixed initialization of all modules (eDrops, NDT, EventAdmin).
(Released 26.03.2021)
# General
* TLS-termination now happens at the Azure Application Gateway level which simplifies/streamlines internal IIS server setup.
* Unified Authentication logic across all applications.
* Keyvault functionality implemented across every application's configuration setup.
* Prototype EventsUserAPI has been retired. All apps using general UserAPI.
# Equip version 20210324.7
* Status and equipment groups filters enabled for Findings List and Register List reports.
* Select/Deselect all functionality for reports filters.
* Report generator dependencies updated.
* Report generator size reduced by changing graphic and dependencies size.
* Bugfix for reports not being rendered when Signature endpoint respond with error (500).
# Portal
* Added support for EventsAdmin.
* Added notifications functionality (alert messages).
* Improved search for company / installation in search input field.
* Added error messages for non-existing searches / navigation.
* Added loading screens.
* Various bug fixes and style / responsive improvements.
# Bridge Login / Identity Provider
* Added obligation to fill phone & phone prefix fields, during new user registration (from login page).
* Fixed a JQuery resource issue (could be blocked by certain enterprise settings).
# Temp Bridge Admin
* Introduced Notification tab for publishing and managing Bridge notifications.
* Removed problem with url 'Admin/admin' sufix. As a result, users list and roles assignment works properly.
* Introduced permission for (non-Global) 'Administrator' role users, granting them access to to utilize the Temp Bridge Admin module to manage users across any company. They do not have access to other types of content.
* Added search input box on Content tab for companies, installations and e-mail domains.
# UserAPI
* Introduced functionality for getting/inserting/updating Bridge notifications. Extended Orchard database schema.
* Fixed user role assignment.
# Projects
* Introduced server-side caching for initially loaded user settings.
* Improved authorization including access controls towards Installation.
* Added size limitation for downloading zip packages to 500MB.
* Improved database transactions mechanism.
# MHP, EventsFacade & EventsAPI
* Included same general backend changes as the other applications part of this wide-release but introduced no new functionality towards the end-user.
(Released 03.02.2021)
# UserAdmin
* Fix for granting access to existing users was not working on some installations.
* Added possibility to upload a signature picture for users.
* When granting access to Axess Company Group, there is a confirmation dialog now when the user is not a part of the Axess Company group.
(Released 22.01.2021)
# Projects
* Improved support for a bigger number of files.
(Released 21.01.2021)
# Portal
* Fixed issue where Projects module was not showing as available to all intended roles.
# Temp Bridge Admin
* Fixed an issue where removing a single role-assignment would end up removing all role-assignments.
(Released 18.01.2021)
# Portal
* Fixed issue where unpublished installations would show.
# Equip version 5.8.159
* Fixed an issue preventing the generation of Register List reports.
(Released 15.01.2021)
# Bridge Login / Identity Provider version 1.0.0
* Orchard CMS has been removed. IDP/Login/Account registration & Lost Password functionality has been replaced by new standalone application service.
# Portal version 1.0.0
* Orchard CMS has been removed. General Bridge environment (portal) has been replaced by a new standalone application service.
# Temp Bridge Admin version 1.0.0
* Orchard CMS has been removed. A temporary admin application service has been released providing needed admin controls until a brand new and more thorough admin application is ready later in the year.
# UserAPI version 1.0.0
* Orchard CMS has been removed. The new UserAPI backend service is the backbone for various functionality across a variety of applications.
(Released 27.12.2020)
# Equip version 5.8.158
r * RTE report now always show latest equipment status from across all surveys (even if filtered on surveys 'touched').
* Axess AIM India department added.
* Fixed bug related to embedded equipment URL links within reports.
(Released 18.12.2020)
* Fix for multiple browser tabs (Broadcast Channel API).
(Released 30.11.2020)
# Equip version 5.8.156
* Fix for RTE "Safe to Operate" label not working properly with NORSOK statuses.
(Released 25.11.2020)
# Equip version 5.8.155
* Fix for problem with synchronization back edited and new findings.
* Add debug functions to client.
(Released 24.11.2020)
# Equip version 5.8.153
* Fix for application hanging when navigating using direct-URL/bookmark without
visiting Bridge first.
* Due date will no longer show in Report of Thorough Examination (equipment card)
if finding has been resolved.
* Users are suggested to click 'wait' if prompted during time-consuming
report generation.
(Released 17.11.2020)
# Equip version 5.8.148
* Bugfix for Checklist progress failing to save.
(Released 16.11.2020)
# Equip version 5.8.147
* Improvement towards FindingsList report which was missing data following
recent release.
(Released 10.11.2020)
# Equip version 5.8.30
* Orchard-less (standalone) Equip with new reporting engine
(having removed the old engine) released.
(Released 22.10.2020)
# eDROPS version 1.2.0
* Installation dashboard is now available with descriptive charts and findings heat maps.
* Findings page has been redesigned with better filter options.
* Report page has been redesigned with new and advanced filter options.
* It is now possible to create a data dump of all finding data to excel.
* In addition, we have done styling- and bug fixes to improve user experience.
(Released 02.10.2020)
# Equip version 5.8.146
* Generating finding list for all surveys bugfix.
* Document inheritance in duplicated equipment bugfix.
* Axess watermark removed from Reports in new Report Generator.
* Document not shown in offline mode bugfix.
(Released 21.09.2020)
# Equip version 5.8.145
* Fix for deleting caches from other installations.
* Exporting functionality works for every size installation.
(Released 16.09.2020)
# Service Worker (core logic) version
* Bugfix for event-processing related to 'addedTestpointSetToJob' type event.
(Released 07.08.2020)
# Equip version 5.8.143
* FindingsList report now has a dynamic footer department address.
* Axess do Brasil Ltda contact details has been updated.
(Released 03.06.2020)
# Equip version 5.8.140
* Styles adjustments for displaying long descriptions in tables.
* Fix for displaying incorrect inspector in RTE beta reports.
(Released 05.05.2020)
# Equip version 5.8.137
* New report types for beta report generator.
(Released 02.04.2020)
# eDROPS version 1.1.0
* Reporting functionality is now available as a first complete draft.
* Diagnostics page has been added for improved support.
* Various optimizations, bug-fixes and UI tweaks.
# NDT version 5.10.1
* Audit log functionality added to Examination dialog.
* Diagnostics page has been added for improved support.
* Various optimizations, bug-fixes and UI tweaks.
# EventsAdmin version 1.1.2
* Diagnostics page has been added for improved support.
# Service Worker (core logic) version 2.2.3
* Various optimizations & bug-fixes.
(Released 05.03.2020)
# EventsAdmin version 1.1.1
* Removing Attribute options (for checklists, matrix, etc.) now works as a
standalone action separated from 'general editing'.
* Various optimizations & bug-fixes.
# Service Worker (core logic) version 2.2.2
* Support for new event type 'removedAttributeOption'.
* HTTP Status code 204 'No Content' more thoroughly supported for event-syncing.
(Released 27.02.2020)
# eDROPS version 1.0.1
* Stabilization fixes
* Improvements to photo editor
(Released 13.02.2020)
# Service Worker (core logic) version 2.2.1
* Fix for downloading attachments.
* Various optimizations & bug-fixes.
(Released 11.02.2020)
# Equip version 5.8.134
* Performance tweaks for quicker page loading on slower connection
(alive.txt poll adjustment)
(Released 05.02.2020)
# eDROPS version 1.0.0
* eDROPS is our new application for promoting safety culture and the prevention
of falling objects.
(Released 03.02.2020)
# NDT version 5.10.0
* New more streamlined boot-screen.
* EventsAdmin version 1.1.0
* Now supports data for the eDROPS domain.
* New more streamlined boot-screen.
# Service Worker (core logic) version 2.2.0
* Data foundation now supports eDROPS domain.
* Persistence of data further strengthened.
* Support for the new boot-screen.
* Various optimizations & bug-fixes.
(Released 27.01.2020)
# Equip version 5.8.131
* Beta Reports module enabled for production.
* Changes in date calculation for the next survey date.
(Released 15.01.2020)
# Service Worker (core logic) version 2.1.3
* Speed of event-data processing has improved.
* More robust system behavior when switching user-accounts.
(Released 20.12.2019)
# Service Worker (core logic) version 2.1.2
* Syncing event-data should now be an order-of-magnitude faster which is important
for unstable Internet connections.
* Applications don't start prematurely anymore before event processing
is complete causing notification-spam and freezes.
(Released 11.12.2019)
# NDT version 5.9.3
* UTM Spreadsheet report layout has been improved.
* Various optimizations, bug-fixes, and UI tweaks.
* Service Worker (core logic) version 2.1.1
* Fixed a bug where the incorrect (old) cache was being used causing trouble for
users including an 'empty/grey' report page within NDT.
* Various optimizations & bug-fixes.
(Released 09.12.2019)
# Equip version 5.8.128
* Fix calculating next survey date when Never Survey is selected as interval for item type.
* Default value for Attachment Points and Runaway Beam groups in NORSOK
is Never Survey.
# NDT version 5.9.2
* Fixed report failing to generate under certain data-conditions.
(Released 27.11.2019)
# Equip version 5.8.125
* Fixes checklists
* Disable refresh window when new version available. Just refresh.
(Released 20.11.2019)
# NDT version 5.9.1
* RT method of inspection has been added.
* Shortcut for quickly selecting/de-selecting complete job scope has been added to
the report page.
* Several empty sections and incorrect warnings have been removed from the
report including resizing of 'Approval Information' font.
* Various optimizations, bug-fixes and UI tweaks.
# Service Worker (core logic) version 2.1.0
* The core logic now properly handles the switch between different users when using
the same gadget and when working on the same installation.
* Various optimizations & bug-fixes.
# EventsAdmin version 1.0.1
* Various optimizations, bug-fixes and UI tweaks.
(Released 19.11.2019)
# Equip version 5.8.124
* Implemented check for 100 equipment limit in batch mode.
(Released 05.11.2019)
* MHP is now running on new (standalone) backend technologies.
(Released 16.10.2019)
# NDT version 5.9.0
* Planning page and various item tables now better inform about the existence
of test points.
* Various optimizations, bug-fixes, and UI tweaks.
(Released 13.10.2019)
# Equip version 5.8.121
* Bulk discard functionality added.
* Certificate items properly filtered.
(Released 28.09.2019)
# Service Worker (core logic) version 2.0.4
* NDT data has been migrated and all events will be re-synced.
(Released 27.09.2019)
# Equip version 5.8.120
* Fix for not visible document viewer.
* Fix for not syncing too big blobs.
(Released 18.09.2019)
# NDT version 5.8.1
* Bugfix: Attachments delay within Item dialog within NDT Planning page.
* Bugfix: Testpoints delay within Item dialog within NDT Planning page.
* Bugfix: It was not possible to set the 'Status' field for Jobs in NDT.
* Bugfix: Vector graphics was baked-into images with the wrong coordinates
following development on the Attachment component.
* Bugfix: Datepicker buttons not working properly.
* Various optimizations, bug-fixes, and UI tweaks.
(Released 04.09.2019)
# NDT version 5.8.0
* New image compression algorithm for reducing file size when uploaded.
* Prevent notification spam by limiting the max amount to 5.
* Acceptance Criteria now pre-selected by default for reports.
* Duplicate job functionality restored.
* Various optimizations, bug-fixes, and UI tweaks.
(Released 29.08.2019)
# Equip version 5.8.117
* Fix for report header incorrect information.
* Fix for incorrect next survey date calculation.
(Released 19.08.2019)
# NDT version 5.7.1
* Fixes for displaying issues on the report page.
(Released 16.08.2019)
# NDT version 5.7.0
* New report foundation enabling smaller and more precise PDF documents.
* Various optimizations, bug-fixes, and UI tweaks.
(Released 08.08.2019)
# Equip version 5.8.114
* Bugfix: Status ADDED and SEALED are not taken to calculate the next survey date.
(Released 22.07.2019)
# EventsAdmin version 1.0.0
* EventsAdmin is the previously existing NDT Admin pages extracted to
become a standalone application.
# NDT version 5.6.0
* New Sync panel for more informative status and additional controls.
* The Admin pages has been extracted to become a separate application outside of NDT.
* Various optimizations, bug-fixes and UI tweaks.
* Service Worker (core logic) version 2.0.2
* Syncing logic has been updated in order to support new controls.
(Released 07.06.2019)
# NDT version 5.5.3
* Admin: It's now possible to dictate which app the various dynamic attributes
inherited from ItemType and Method should show up within.
* Various optimizations, bug-fixes, and UI tweaks.
(Released 04.06.2019)
# Equip version
* Backend bugfix: Report of Thorough Examination now works with larger amount
of items.
(Released 31.05.2019)
# NDT version 5.5.2
* Re-enabling of Work Order for Item.
(Released 29.05.2019)
# NDT version 5.5.1
* Planning page has been further optimized including UI tweaks.
# Service Worker (core logic) version 2.0.1
* Events are now fully pulled from the server before pushing local work.
(Released 26.05.2019)
# NDT version 5.5.0
* The Planning page has been re-designed.
* Image and attachment synchronization has been improved.
* Improvements to logic concerning app boot-up and update routines.
* NDT front-end client life-cycle has been separated from the Service Worker (core logic).
* Various optimizations, bug-fixes and UI tweaks.
# Service Worker (core logic) version 2.0.0
* Improvements to logic concerning app boot-up and update routines.
* Service Worker (core logic) now has a separate life-cycle from the NDT front-end client.
* Now supports multiple different applications simultaneously starting with
(Released 23.05.2019)
# EQUIP version 5.8.9
* Fix for indexed db migration function.
* Rig standard right now needs to be selected.
* Personnel lift value for arrangement and equipment is preset to false.
* Next survey date fix in reports
* New department added to departments list
(Released 26.04.2019)
# EQUIP version 5.8.7
* Fix for pagination to does not include last row in as first row at next page.
* Export CSV functionality reimplemented in js.
* Removed flash plugin to export CSV.
* Deprecated Overdue label is removed.
* Automatic refresh functionality on new app version.
(Released 24.04.2019)
# EQUIP version 5.8.6
* Global search in equipment table search over subgroup.
* Fix for indexedDb migration.
(Released 11.04.2019)
# EQUIP version 5.8.5
* Reporting dialog in case of error disabled (automatic error reports by sentry used)
* Minor bugfixes
(Released 09.04.2019)
# EQUIP version 5.8.3
* Fix for displaying examination date
* Security fixes (XSS)
* Frontend tweaks for tablets
* Frontend tweaks for performance
* Minor bugfixes
(Released 25.03.2019)
# EQUIP version 5.7
* New Not Inspected status
* Added Sentry error reporting.
* Minor bugfixes
(Released 14.03.2019)
# NDT version 5.4.1
* VT inspection method has been added.
Status of equipment and test-points will now show on the left-side
parameter-panel within report page.
* Report watermark will now be included when saving as PDF.
* Various bug-fixes and UI tweaks.
(Released 13.03.2019)
# EQUIP version 5.6
* New Equipment hierarchy.
* Status column fix for tablets.
* Survey date fix.
* New personnel lift field for equipment and arrangement.
* Tests refactored to use karma as a script runner.
! Removed manifest.appcache as a caching mechanism in favor to service worker.
(Released 15.02.2019)
# NDT version 5.4.0
* When choosing option 'Other' for Acceptance Criteria you are able to enter a
free-text description.
* [Job] Description tab has been renamed 'Job info'. The Jobs (Home page)
tab is now represented with a 'home icon'.
* On the Home page it is now possible to search for jobs containing a certain item and
to add custom columns and to filter on these.
* Job Info page has new input fields for Inspection Company and more.
* Various optimizations, bug-fixes and UI tweaks.
(Released 30.01.2019)
# NDT version 5.3.5
* Hot-fixes for radio-buttons inside Calibration Settings, Inspector and Inspection Date
on the Report.
(Released 24.01.2019)
# NDT version 5.3.4
* Enabling read-only view of Calibration / Toolkit for readonly examination.
* Hot-fix release for bugs in Mearsk's report, tools not visible in Report.
(Released 23.01.2019)
# NDT version 5.3.3
* Hot-fix release for Checklist attribute.
(Released 22.01.2019)
# NDT version 5.3.2
* Hot-fix release.
(Released 21.01.2019)
# EQUIP version 5.5.7
* Report changes for Loler standard
* Minor Bugfixes
(Released 17.01.2019)
# NDT version 5.3.1
* Fix for Calibration dialog not being able to see Toolkits / Calibration
for saved examination.
* Calibrations are now read-only.
* Attributes for Testpoint are now also editable via right-hand panel.
(Released 18.12.2018)
# NDT version 5.3
* Data has been migrated from version 0 to 1 and all events will be re-synced.
* Web-browser cache-handling has been updated ensuring each installation
has individual life-cycles.
* Calibrations and Toolkits now support multiples of tools, probes and other content.
* Checklist drop-down-lists will now be filtered on Method.
* New Matrix and Range attribute types has been added.
* Various optimizations, bug-fixes and UI tweaks.
(Released 11.12.2018)
# Equip version 5.4
* Document types are now described in edit document window.
* Few not necessary columns are by default hidden on equipments table.
* Filtering buttons are colored when filters are edited on equipments page.
* New document and certificates icons (round one)
* Documents are displayed by group on detailed equipment view.
* Fix for not displayed Equipment Card button for every user.
(Released 19.11.2018)
# NDT version 5.2
* Reporting has seen a larger overhaul with loading animations, improved
page-splitting & better controls.
* Toolkits & Calibrations are now available only to the original creator making
drop-down lists more manageable.
* Toolkits are no longer editable as they represent the kit 'at a point in time'.
You can however duplicate them and apply necessary changes.
* Forms with rich-text-inputs no longer constantly prompt the message
There is unsaved data...' or add blank lines when navigating the app.
* Image-tagging controls have been tweaked.
* Various optimizations, future-proofing & bug-fixes.
* New 'EventsAPI' standalone backend microservice, separate from Orchard CMS,
for *serving NDT & eDROPS and future applications on new technology stack.
(Released 14.11.2018)
# Equip version 5.3
* Duplicate functionality added to equipments table.
* Certificate No. column added in equipments table.
* Generate report button for arrangement is now accessible to every user.
(Released 01.11.2018)
# Equip version 5.2
* Table filters, column sorting and visible columns are now persisted when
navigating around webpage.
* Text in report changed according to requests.
* Various bug-fixes and UI tweaks.
(Released 29.10.2018)
# User administration
* Axess Administrators can now manage users for specific installations.
* E-mail notification for new users created in UserAdmin.
(Released 15.10.2018)
# User Administration
* Users with OwnerAdministration role can now manage users for specific installations
(Released 27.09.2018)
# NDT 5.1.0
* Report number can now be fully manually set in the report parameters.
* Individual fields for Prepared by [person], Approved by and Accepted by can now
be manually set in the report parameters.
* It's now possible to show Procedure and Acceptance criteria in the report.
* The Inspector and Inspection Date for examinations in the report can now be edited.
* Various optimizations, bug-fixes and UI tweaks.
(Hot fix Released 12.09.2018)
# NDT 5.0.9
* Stability fixes
* Improvements to report generator and printing dialog
(Released 06.09.2018)
# NDT 5.0.8
* Bug fixes
* Performance improvements
* Stability improvements
* Equip
* Discontinued support for Internet Explorer 11
(Released 17.07.2018)
# NDT 5.0.7
* Hot-fix for GVI checklist data being shown in the report.
* Hot-fix for newly added data not being shown in the report.
(Released 13.07.2018)
# NDT 5.0.6
* New Quality Assurance (QA) tab for approving examinations.
* Making the images attached possible to download.
* Warning user of unsaved data when navigating away from in inspection tab.
* Testpoints aren't copied when duplicating the items.
* Warning user of unsaved data when navigating away from the rich text boxes in inspection
tab when item is selected.
* New option for report viewer: showing only the newest examination on items and test points
for each method.
* Fix for duplicated attachments in the Job.
* Fixed pictures positioning in report documents.
* Sorting examination cards by inspection date and time.
* Various stability and bug fixes.
(Released 28.06.2018)
# NDT 5.0.5
* Hotfix for attachments UI.
(Released 26.06.2018)
# NDT 5.0.4
* Examinations now display separate 'Inspected by' and 'Edited by' information.
* Items can now be duplicated inside the 'Edit item' form. Test-points, examinations and
attachments won't be included.
* Tab keyboard button can now be used to change input fields.
* Various optimizations, bug-fixes and UI tweaks.
(Released 13.06.2018)
# NDT 5.0.3
* Choice between General NDT report and UTM spreadsheet report is now done from
a new drop-down in the report page.
* It's now possible to make report for specifically selected test-points.
* Test-Points can now be duplicated inside the 'Edit testpoint' form.
* Overlayed Tutorials are now more easily managed through improved UI.
* Fixed issue where browser would hang under certain circumstances when re-visiting application.
* Various optimizations, bug-fixes and UI tweaks.
# Equip 4.3.1
* Equipment examination report now includes description for 'OK' status.
* Various bug-fixes and UI tweaks.
* General
* Axess Bridge login Cookie now defaults to 30 days lifespan reducing the amount of logins needed.
(Released 25.05.2018)
# NDT 5.0.2
* UTM Spreadsheet report has been further improved.
* Calibration editing post-creation is now restricted to Administrators.
* Various optimizations, bug-fixes, and UI tweaks.
# Projects
* Work Order column should now be visible to all users.
(Released 22.05.2018)
# NDT 5.0.1
* NDTAdministrator role has been added.
* Various optimizations, bug-fixes, and UI tweaks.
(Released 17.05.2018)
# NDT 5.0.0
* Checklists are now available for the GVI inspection method.
* Spreadsheet Report is now available for UTM inspections.
* Image attachments can now be toggled on/off for inclusion in report.
* Additional attachment icons for older Microsoft Office document types.
* Application no longer requires interaction to stay awake.
* Users of Internet Explorer are now prompted to upgrade to a modern browser.
* Various optimizations, bug-fixes, and UI tweaks.
# Equip 4.3.1
* Various bug-fixes.
(Released 01.05.2018)
# NDT 4.3.1
* The new NDT application has now officially launched.
* Examination Reports for individual equipment and arrangements has now been made available
for additional user-roles.
* Bug-fixes.
* User Admin
* Various bug-fixes and adjustments.
(Released 10.04.2018)
# Equip 4.3.0
* Added functionality for downloading certificates as zip
(Released 04.04.2018)
# Equip 4.2.5
* Added new group - Wind turbines
* Equipment card report now includes additional group and subgroup information.
* Hotfix: All fonts and pictures are included when navigating offline.
* NDT (internal testing)
* predefined locations (rooms, decks, positions) for items
* predefined NORSOK codes for item types
* splash screen while application is loading for first time
downloading inspection data and images/documents as zip file
(Released 13.03.2018)
# Equip 4.2.4
* Hotfix: Styling of table columns has been further refined.
(Released 01.03.2018)
*General security update.
*Version 4.2.3
(Released 28.02.2018)
# Equip 4.2.2
* Hotfix: Tables and equipment tables were fixed to be displayed properly.
(Released 21.02.2018)
# Equip 4.2.1
Analytics charts are currently calculated basing on equipment inspected in last 24 months instead of whole equipment on installation.
NDT (internal testing)
Item inspection report was extended by conclusions field.
Job description is now editable with formatting, headings etc.
All toolkits are manageable from NDT administration.
UI was improved for mobile devices.
(Released 01.02.2018)
# Equip 4.2.0
* Added two new Survey → Department options: Axess Petrorig Ghana & Axess Offshore Africa
* Minor adjustments.
* Minor adjustment.
# NDT (internal testing)
* General Visual Inspection text fields for items under Inspection tab. Can be toggled on/off to
be included in report document.
* Improved boot-up speed when visiting an installation for the first time.
* Report revision numbering with automatically incrementing tail-number.
* Editable watermark for report document.
* Toolkit section in the report document can be toggled on/off.
* Minor adjustments.
(Released 24.01.2018)
# Equip 4.1.0
* Chrome Web App's have been deprecated by Google and will disappear in Q1 2018. Equip has
been updated with new technology to replace its Chrome Web App implementation
to ensure permanent data storage going forward. Users should answer
'Yes' if asked to activate 'Push Notifications'.
* Minor adjustments to Equip in general.
(Released 18.12.2017)
# NDT 4.0.0
* New NDT module soft-launched for selection of installations.
(Released 04.12.2017)
# Equip 3.6.0
* Totally refurbished, new modern layout.
* Analytics charts for inspectors.
* Equipment lookup panel (just click on equipment in equipment table).
* Left panel with all main functionality for convenient navigation.
* Now support letters in Equipment "serial number" ID
* Pictures are displayed in overlay viewer. You don't need to navigate to a separate page.
* Supports all new browsers (Chrome only browser with offline functionality).
* Unsupported browser information screen.
* Checklist for equipment group 1 'Cranes'.
* Many bugfixes.
(Released 04.05.2017)
# Bridge 3.5.1
* User Administration first production release.
(Released 24.03.2017)
# Bridge 3.5
* Improved Email notification for support
(Released 14.03.2017)
# Equip 3.4
* Now only displays open findings in Equipment Card.
* Toggle all statuses on/off checkbox within Report page.
* No Survey selected." text within Equipment Cards changed to "No auth. Person specified."
* RC has now been renamed from "Amber" to "Quarantined" when creating LOLER reports
with non-NORSOK statuses.
* RC ("Quarantined") is no longer considered 'Safe To Use' within LOLER reports.
* Bugfix: Added status no longer hides Survey Info from Equipment Card if there exists findings back- * dated earlier than the Added status itself.
# Bridge
* Improved Email notification for support.
(Released 27.01.2017)
# Bridge 3.3
* New login page featuring new user registration form with automatic company approval.
# Equip
* New equipment status 'Sealed'. Removes findings, overdue RC's & Next Survey info on
various pages, tables & reports.
(Released 07.11.2016)
# Bridge 3.2
* front-end has received a major performance boost.
(Released 23.10.2016)
# Bridge 3.1
* New role: "Inspector".
(Released 27.09.2016)
# Bridge 3.0
* Bridge statistics report.
(Released 19.09.2016)
# Equip 2.12
* Client Gateway (integration) module deactivated.
* Inspections module (not yet activated).
(Released 12.07.2016)
# Equip 2.11
* Admin tab added featuring functionality for importing data from another
Equip installation.
(Released 21.06.2016)
# Equip 2.10
* Equipment Cards report can now be filtered on Statuses.
* Discarded equipment will no longer display on Arrangement Report (Equipment)
Cards in general.
(Released 09.02.2016)
# Bridge 2.9
# Orchard v1.9.2
# Equip 2.9
* Option for choosing alternative statuses (Green/Amber/Red) contra NORSOK
(OK, C/MO/RC, NC) under Report Generation.
(Released 04.12.2015)
# Bridge 2.8
# Projects
! Removal of multiple projects/folders/files.
* File uploading batch size limit increased from 64MB to 512MB.
(Released 10.11.2015)
# Bridge 2.7
* Search
* Improved usability and performance.
(Released 19.08.2015)
# Bridge 2.6
# Projects
* Sortable columns.
* Search
* Search moved to header to improve user experience.
(Released 12.06.2015)
# Bridge 2.5
# Projects
* Upload of multiple documents simultaneously
# Equip 2.8
* Layout improvements to Equipment Card and Registerlist report
* Equipment Cards will display in Norwegian for installations using the NORSOK standard
Checklist '112-C-Winches' (groups 5.1-5.4) is now updated to version 2
* Minor bug fixes and usability improvements
(Released 12.05.2015)
# Bridge 2.4
* Search
* Number of items found
# Equip 2.7
* Equipment Card now has designated layout for installations following the
LOLER standard
* Survey has two new attributes: Responsible User and Department
* Findings has new attribute: First exam
(Released 15.04.2015)
# Bridge 2.3
* User manuals available in the user menu
* Easier requesting new Bridge user via 'New user?' link on the front page
(Released 09.04.2015)
# Bridge 2.2
* Projects application module
* Search application module
* Single Sign-On (SSO) (Automatic user creation for existing Axess users)
More help added (in user menu) regarding signing in
Version 2.2
(Released 20.03.2015)
# Bridge 2.1
* Single Sign-On (SSO) (For existing Axess users)
(Released 03.03.2015)
# Bridge 2.0
* Front-page login form, moved from top-menu.
* User activity widget.
(Released 27.02.2015)
# Bridge 1.18
* All system components upgraded
(Released 09.02.2015)
# Equip 1.17.1
* Add Equipment form has received a re-design (consolidating batch-equipment form)
* Checklist functionality now available for equipment groups 5.1-5.4.
* Register and Findingslist reports can now be filtered on main equipment groups.
* Arrangement icon now works as a link in equipment tables.
* Description column added to Survey table.
* Minor bug fixes and usability improvements.
(Released 11.12.2014)
# Bridge 1.17
* Unsuccessful sign-in now gives a proper error message
* Concurrent document imports
* Plan documents now being attached to equipment sharing TagNo
(Released 01.10.2014)
# Bridge 1.16
* Listing of users/roles on company and installation level (requires Client Manager role).
# Equip 1.16
* User Interface has received a major overhaul to be more usable on mobile devices.
* Documents of any type can now be attached to Equipment.
* Minor bug fixes and usability improvements.
(Released 22.05.2014)
# Equip 1.15
* Report Card (.pdf) for arrangements now available
* Equipment Control Card (.pdf) can now be grouped on arrangements under Report Generation
* Equipment Control Card signature now based on last inspector, not logged-in user
* New equipment groups ("Iron rough necks", "Fixed drilling - Misc" and "Bushings")
* Minor bugfixes
* Column name-based import
* Full editing of equipment plans via web UI
* Listing of duplicated equipment plans
* Listing of hidden equipment plans, with unhide option
(Released 09.04.2014)
# Equip 1.14
* Equipment Control Card (.pdf). Export from equipment page or as list from Report Generation.
* Final (prose) Word template report is now available from Report Generation.
* Equip frontpage data summary updated based on user feedback.
* Possible to show/hide upcoming surveys on the front page as well as to make survey inactive
(edit the survey).
* New columns (hidden by default) 'Resolved date', 'Resolved user' and 'Resolved comment'
added to the table on the Survey page.
* Minor bug fixes and usability improvements.
(Released 07.03.2014)
# Bridge 1.13
* Shortcut to Client Gateway (while waiting for the integrated projects solution)
# Equip
* Search functionality further improved.
* The equipment table now includes the following new columns: Misc, Dimension, Arrangement,
Manufacturer, Supplier, Date Start Use.
* Equipment with certificates having no PDF-attachment is now displayed with a special icon.
Clicking on the icon links to the Certificate page.
* Possible for Inspectors to adjust the inspection date.
* Layout changes to the Register list and Findings PDF reports.
* Surveys now support more data: PO.No, Project.No, 'Inspection according to regulation [X]'
and Remarks.
* Equipment with status 'Not found' excluded from frontpage summary.
* Possible to filter on a survey in Register List report.
* The Equipment tree now updates automatically when inserting new items.
* Minor bugfixes.
(Released 24.01.2014)
# Equip 1.12.1
* Search functionality now more efficient and easy to use.
* Images are down-sized / optimized client-side before being uploaded to server.
* Possible to filter on survey in Findings List report as well as to include arrangement images.
* Possible to exclude empty groups & arrangements in Register List report.
* Minor bugfixes.
(Released 14.01.2014)
# Equip 1.12
* xlift' is no longer a valid path in the URL (only 'equip'). Please update your bookmarks.
* Syncronization has been further optimized for large data-uploads.
(Released 07.01.2014)
# Equip 1.11.2
* Renewal of findings now possible. Findings that remain unresolved when re-surveyed should
be renewed.
* When dismantling an arrangement all its equipment will be de-coupled
(but remain active individually in the registry).
* Real-time warnings if duplicate tag, certificate, and/or certificate Index numbers are discovered
while entering new data.
* The tag sort order is now more humanly logical.
* Equip now has the ability to compress PDF certificates on-demand.
* 'Start use' button added to equipment. Sets Date start use to today's date.
* Minor bug fixes and usability improvements.
(Released 17.12.2013)
# Equip 1.11.1
* PO/MR.No is now editable for equipment (excluding those with status 'In-Order')
(Released 10.12.2013)
# Equip 1.11
* Possibility to order a batch of equipment (order functionality)
* Minor bugfixes and usability improvements
(Released 06.12.2013)
# Equip 1.10.1
* Possibility to edit multiple equipment at once
* Order functionality is now available. This will allow you to set up an order for new equipment
directly in Equip. The order is filled in by your supplier, eliminating the need for you to put
in the information manually
* User Manual available on Equip frontpage (web modus)
(Released 19.11.2013)
# Equip 1.10
* Bug preventing some imported equipment to be edited.
(Released 08.11.2013)
# Bridge
* Terms of use
* Improved module/widget usability
# Equip
* Flexible survey interval configuration, with defaults from industry standards
* Interactive equipment links in findings report
* Tag number in findings lists
* International date format
* Bugfixes and improved usability
* Improved usability
(Released 04.11.2013)
# Equip 1.9.10
* Bugfix for synchronizing very large local databases
(Released 04.10.2013)
# Equip 1.9.8
* Minor bugfixes
(Released 27.09.2013)
# Bridge 1.9
* Better support for IE8
# Equip
* Better support for Android and iOS
(Released 22.09.2013)
# Bridge 1.8.10
* Feedback widget
# Equip
* Individual column filters for Equipment tables. This allows for advanced search and filtering,
e.g filter on a date, equipment status, and text strings.
* In the Equipment tables, the main equipment is always displayed as the first item.
* It is now possible to delete findings for authorized users.
* Group numbering now appears in front of groups and subgroups
* Reduction of download size of images/pictures
* PDF report improvements (sorting of findings and equipment)
* Minor bugfixes
(Released 05.09.2013)
# Equip 1.8
* Minor bugfixes.
(Released 30.08.2013)
# Equip 1.6
* ID number on findings and findings history.
* Added possibility for Cert. Index Number for unique numbers.
* Added equipment Length in tables.
* Possibility to view expired certificates in the certificates table.
* Logging in after an offline session one is returned to the previously viewed page.
* Equip can now be used on iOS Chrome in webapp mode.
* PDF compression greatly optimized.
* URL links now more visible.
* Minor bugfixes.
(Released 31.07.2013)
# Equip 1.5
* Display PO No for equipment
* New Work order field for findings
(Released 28.06.2013)
# Bridge 1.4
* More improvements in new look-and-feel
* Toolbar widget for companies and installations
# Equip
* Tag number reservations
(Released 17.06.2013)
# Bridge 1.3
* New look-and-feel is closing in!
* Fix: Some fields were missing content
* Fix: "Main handling plan"\"User manual" disappearing
* Fix: Failure when editing equipment
# Equip
* Notable performance improvements
* Equipment tables now sorted on ascending ID per default
* Duplicate findings numbers for PDF reports corrected
* Internet Explorer 8 memory improvements
* Minor bugfixes
(Released 13.05.2013)
# Equip 1.2.8
* Discarding of equipment for non-inspectors
* Data tables: Customizable coloum types
* Data tables: Export to print-friendly format
* Data tables: Export to Excel-friendly format
* Dot now available as batch separator
* Register List: Date filtering
* Findings List: Inclusion of closed findings filtering
* Findings List: NORSOK class filtering
(Released 19.04.2013)
# Equip 1.2
* Fix: Issue #350: Often fails when directly loading subpage
* Fix: Issue #368: For non-inspectors, closing findings in local mode will lead to data sync failure
(Released 08.04.2013)
# Bridge 1.1
* Fix: App buttons now visible in Internet Explorer
# Equip
*Info window shows when a new version is (automatically) downloaded and installed
*Installation status (home page) is upgraded, all calculation now works, both in local
and in standard web mode
* Equipment table: Shortcut in equipment ID column - by navigating with arrow keys,
and pushing ENTER, you are now taken directly to the equipment page
(no mouse usage required)
* Equipment table: Group and subgroup column added - tooltip shows name.
(Released 13.03.2013)
# Bridge
* MHP awareness button
* New user experience/look-and-feel
* Responsive design, mobile- and touch-ready
* Bridge roles and permissions
# Equip
* Due date for findings (due date already added for all findings,
finding date plus 12 weeks)
* Better local mode support for search and installation status
Release 11.11.2012 - version
Issue #14: New equipment field "date taken into use"
Issue #16: Main equipment for arrangements
Issue #17: Edit of installations
Issue #38: URL element "rigs" removed
Issue #52: Expiration of certificates
Issue #56: "Add new survey" window now refreshes underlying survey list
Issue #58: Altered equipment list view
Release 22.10.2012 - version
Axess favicon
Application installation progress bar
Release 18.10.2012 - version
Data synchronization progress bar